It was a great project, and I learned plenty of new skills and methods of work. I consider this project to be successful; I mostly managed to achieve what I established in the proposal document. I think that I will never be entirely pleased with my work; however, I believe that what I have created meets the industry standards and works well in the engine. Now at the end of this project, I can see all the mistakes I have made, and ideas of how to fix them. In the beginning, I knew that I want to create a chicken leg house; however, I was really struggling with the decision of how to approach this. I was somewhere between the character and environment art, and I wasn't sure of what to stick to. This led me to have a project that is somehow between the two, but more towards character art. My initial idea was to make a house as a centrepiece of the environment. However, after the feedback that I received and my thoughts, I decided to go for the character art. My idea was to create a s...