At this stage, I am quite happy with the main build of the house, it looks like it has some personality. However, it needs more details to look like it's actually a place where someone lives. I image the Baba Yaga to use lots of dry herbs for her mixtures, so one side of the house can be used to dry them. For the front of the house, I wanted to place something scary which will keep people away, so I went for skulls hanged on a stick, I also want them to emit some eerie light. To create these props, I had to experiment with different types of modelling. Firstly I made a wolf skull and a stick. High poly for these was sculpted in ZBrush using mostly Clay Buildup and Move Topological brushes. The top and bottom parts are separate meshes as well as teeth and a stick. I am aware that all of these subtle details I've sculpted will not to be visible from a distance. However, this sculpt was made long ago and I was going to use it for a different purpose. I us...