Chicken leg house build

I had all the main models ready, so I was able to start building the house.
Textured parts
I had a really low poly model of the house working as a base. On top of this base, I was able to build the walls and a tower. Each log has a slightly different texture on each side, so with a 2 long logs and 2 short logs I was able to get some variations.  I was following the concept I created, so I wanted the building to have the same structure. When I have walls ready, I added the windows and door.
House build

I merged each wall to one object and I started cleaning the geometry. To save some tri count, I deleted all the nonvisible, inside polygons. House has some window covers bent or missing, which makes it look more neglected. 
Inside structure
I also texted how the textures look in the Sketchfab and Unreal engine.
                                 Sketchfab                                                                                        Unreal engine

Unreal Engine is the engine I want to use, but it makes the textures look darker, so I may have to change them later. I really like how the worn-out, painted windows turned out.
At this stage, I am happy with the overall shape of the house, but it looks too clean. I feel like it is good as a wooden house, but it may not work that well for a neglected, witch house. I was following my concept, but the model seems to be too straight and rigid. It is easier for me to convey certain features and personality with the 2D concept, but I have to play around a bit more with the 3D model to make it look how I imagined. I still have to work on a roof and all the little details, and at this stage, I am hoping that it will change the overall look.


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